The biases behind rating: Uncovering the hidden influences in beer ratings

The main goal of every rating app is to show an objective rating for various objects, which in our case are beers. As each beer receives a lot of reviews from different users, the mean rate of each beer should be quite representative. However, every rate is given by a human, and humans are not objective creatures; they might be influenced by several biases. If the majority of users are subject to the same bias, then the final rate can be significantly impacted. In this project, we want to analyze various biases, such as trends, cultural bias, or naming bias, in the beer reviews’ dataset and see how they influence the rating. Knowing how people are influenced can help us to adjust the rating in order to get more objective and accurate ratings.


The Biases Behind Rating: Uncovering the Hidden Influences in Beer Ratings


The world of beer reviews is rich with data, offering insights into consumer preferences and biases. The main goal of any rating app is to provide objective scores, helping users navigate a world of choices. However, ratings are inherently subjective, shaped by the biases and perceptions of reviewers.

In this data story, we explore the various biases that influence beer ratings, ranging from time-related trends to cultural and naming biases. By identifying these influences, we propose adjustments that enhance the objectivity and accuracy of ratings.

The Key Questions

Our analysis focuses on the following critical questions:

  1. Temporal Trends: How do ratings change over time? Are there seasonal variations or spikes linked to events or holidays?
  2. Anchoring Effects: Do early ratings significantly impact subsequent ones? Are reviewers biased by the first few scores?
  3. Cultural Biases: Do reviewers rate domestic beers more favorably than international ones? How does beer consumption per capita influence ratings?
  4. Naming Bias: Does a beer’s name set expectations that influence its rating?

Datasets and Methodology


  1. BeerAdvocate Dataset: Comprising ratings, user information, and brewery details.
  2. Beer Consumption Data: Total and per capita beer consumption by country (sourced from World Population Review).



Figure 1: Ratebeer Dataset

Average Rating per Year (Ratebeer Dataset)

The average rating starts at 3.25 in 2000, dips slightly, and then steadily increases, reaching 3.40 by 2017.


Figure 2: BeerAdvocate Dataset

Average Rating per Year (BeerAdvocate Dataset)

A spike in 2000 (rating > 4.0) is followed by a sharp decline, with steady growth post-2005.


2. Anchoring Effect

Figure 3: Correlation Analysis

Correlation Analysis

There is a strong positive correlation between the first and subsequent ratings, with most values clustered near 4.0–4.5.


3. Cultural Bias

Figure 4: Histogram of Domestic Ratings

Histogram of Domestic Ratings

Most domestic beers have fewer than 100 ratings, with a steep decline and a long tail for popular beers.


Figure 5: Histogram of International Ratings

Histogram of International Ratings

International beers exhibit a broader distribution, with many beers receiving >1,000 ratings.


4. Naming Bias

Figure 6: Comparison Analysis

Comparison Analysis

First ratings are consistently higher than subsequent averages, indicating optimism bias.


Key Insights

  1. Temporal Trends:
    • Both datasets show an upward trend in ratings over time, influenced by industry growth and consumer preferences.
  2. Anchoring Effect:
    • Early ratings bias subsequent reviews, requiring adjusted weightings for objectivity.
  3. Cultural Bias:
    • Domestic beers receive more favorable ratings, reflecting cultural preferences.
  4. Naming Bias:
    • Optimistic early ratings may be driven by beer names, suggesting anonymization as a potential solution.


This analysis reveals multiple biases influencing beer ratings, including temporal trends, anchoring effects, cultural preferences, and naming influences. Addressing these biases through normalization, weighting adjustments, and anonymization can lead to more objective and reliable ratings, ultimately benefiting consumers and breweries alike.